KHIKA User Guide
- Login
- Change the password
- Creating a User Group
- Creating a Workspace
- Creating a new User
- Access Control in KHIKA
- Introduction
- Data Flow and Components in KHIKA
- KHIKA Apps
- Importing an Application
- Exporting an Application
- Server monitoring in KHIKA using OSSEC
- Installing OSSEC Agent for Linux
- Installing OSSEC Agent for Windows
- Configuring OSSEC Adapter in KHIKA
- Adding the device in the Adaptor
- Extract key from KHIKA OSSEC Server
- Insert unique OSSEC key in Linux OSSEC Agent
- Insert unique OSSEC key in Windows OSSEC Agent
- Reload Configuration
- Verifying OSSEC data collection
- Troubleshooting
Refer the next section for Accessing the KHIKA Gui